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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Online Business Review: The Best Traffic Analysis

Whether you want to search for business partners or analyze your competitors, Alexa provides you valuable information related to website traffic, site popularity, related sites, detailed usage/traffic stats, supported character-set/locales, and site contact information. Recently acquired by, Alexa aims to bring web navigation to the next level that is both intelligent and constantly improving with the participation of its users similar to Google's PageRank. Using its Related Links menu that comes with Alexa's Toolbar, you can easily find other websites of your interest.
[Updated 12/21/08]

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Online Business Review: The Best Free Blog Site

If you're looking for a place to host your blogs, look no further. You're at the right place. The from Google is my best choice of blogging services. It's a reliable service with lots of features you need. Best of all, you can start blogging today free of charge. Read "Find The Home For Your Blogs: Blogger v.s. WordPress" for an objective feature-by-feature comparison and find out which best suits you.

Online Business Review: The Best Article Directory

Thinking about promoting your websites via article marketing? Sounds like a good idea. But, where to submit your articles? There are so many article directories out there; each claims that they'll distribute your articles to over thousands of publishers. The "Boost Site Traffic via Article Marketing?" offers an insightful discussion of how article marketing works and an objective overview of those article directories. If you are short of time and have to pick just one, I'd recommend Ezine Articles based on its site traffic, PageRank, and quality of the articles.

Online Business Review: The Best Online Publishing Communities

There are several online publishing communities out there; each has its own special characteristics. You can read "Write for More Profit: eHow, Squidoo, and HubPages" for an obejctive comparison review of the three most popular sites. For starters, I'd recommend eHow and HubPages from the perspective of traffic and profitability. You can also see the traffic comparison chart from Alexa.

Online Business Review: The Best Affiliate Network

There are many affiliate networks out there today that connect between the advertisers and the publishers. Each has its own niche sectors. Which is the best for you? The article "Monetize Your Website via Affiliate Marketing" has a good discussion. My best choice has been Commission Junction. Among many other things, Commission Junction offers the best choices of brand name advertisers such as Yahoo, Dell, HP, and many others. It also provides both the advertisers and the publishers excellent tools and analysis reports to manage their accounts and affiliate activities.

Online Business Review: How Do Links Impact Your PageRank?

Everyone knows that the search engine is the crown jewel of Google. Yet, the core of the search ranking is PageRank that determines the position of a web page in the search results. A thorough explanation of PageRank technology can be found at Wikipedia. Many of SEO's understand that links have great impact on the PageRank scores. Visit PageRank Explained in Bright Colors and "Google's PageRank Explained and how to make the most of it" for good explanations and examples.